Written By: Maureen Hunter
Synopsis: Set on the Greek island of Santorini, "Atlantis" explores the passionate encounter between a Canadian man who has taken refuge on the sunny isle and a mystical local woman named Mircea. Their love for one another overcomes the boundaries of language, but can it overcome the burdens of the past?
Finalist, Governor General's Award,1997.
Finalist, Dora Mavor Moore Award, Outstanding New Play (Large Theatre Division), 1997.
"Any description of this challenging play fails to do it justice." Winnipeg Free Press
"Rich in classical allusions, sparkling with local colour, leavened with humour, and imbued throughout with a gentle lyricism, Hunter's writing is utterly intoxicating." Calgary Herald
" ... highly theatrical ... a potent blend of sexy spiritualism and fey eroticism." The Globe & Mail.
History: Manitoba Theatre Centre/Theatre Calgary premiere, 1996
Grand Theatre, London, ON, 1996
Belfry Theatre, Victoria, B.C., 1996
Canadian Stage Company, Torotno, 1997.
Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, 1998. Recorded live by CBC Radio.
Workshop West, Edmonton, 1998.
Western Canada Theatre Company, Kamloops, BC, 1998.
Theatre de la Manufacture, Montreal, French premiere, 1999.
Berkshire Theatare Festival, Stockbridge, Mass., staged reading, 2003.
Battlefords Community Players, North Battleford, SK, 2007.
Op Knox Entertainment, Kingston, ON, 2007.
Availability: Published by Scirocco Drama, 1997.
Monologue in Short Spells, Playwrights Canada Press, 1998.
Draft in MAP archives. Published by Scirocco. Copy in MAP library.
Translated into French by Michelle Allen and into Greek by Nikos Sakalidis. Copies available through playwright.
Running Time (mins): 76-120
Cast: 1M / 1F
Genres: Drama