
Written By: Maureen Hunter

Synopsis: Set in an Italian village in the fifteenth century, Vinci revolves around the struggle for custody of a gifted child, a "golden boy," Leonardo da Vinci.  Padre Bartolomeo, a friend of the da Vinci family, finds himself caught between that powerful family and Leonardo's defiant unwed mother, the servant Caterina.  In his efforts ot mediate the disupte and determine the future of Caterina's exceptional child, Bartolomeo comes to a new understanding of the nature of forgiveness and love.

Finalist, Manitoba Book of the Year, 2003

History: Manitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg, and National Arts Centre, Ottawa, co-production, 2002.  World premiere.

Centaur Theatre, Montreal, 2002

CanStage, Toronto, 2003

Theatre Northwest, Prince George, BC, 2003

Carol Players, Wabash, NF, 2005

Oakville Players, Oakville, ON, 2005

Durham Shoestring Performers, Oshawa, ON, 2007

Availability: Complete script, Scirocco Drama, 2002

Scene in Generation Nexxt, Scirocco Drama, 2010

Copy in the MAP library.

Running Time (mins): 76-120

Cast: 4M / 2F

Genres: Drama