Written By: Maureen Hunter
Synopsis: Set in a prairie town, "Footprints on the Moon" begins with a woman's attempt to prevent her teenage daughter from leaving home and escalates into a struggle to understand and accept the loves and losses that have shaped her life.
Footprints on the Moon is a fresh, lyrically precise piece about a mother losing and winning her child. The story is told with charm, sublety and piercing insight. -- Montreal Gazette.
Governor General's Award finalist, 1988.
Labatt Award, Best Canadian Play, Newfoiundland-Labrador Drama Festival, 1995.
Best Play, Okanagan Zone Drama Festival, 1990.
Agassiz Theatre, Winnipeg, premiere, 1988.
Centaur Theatre, Montreal, 1989.
Persephone Theatre, Saskatoon, SK, 1989.
Theatre of the Air, Access Network, Edmonton, AB, 1990
Asparagus Theatre, Amrstrong, BC, 1990.
Equity Showcase, Toronto, ON, 1991.
Woodstock Little Theatre, Woodstock, ON, 1993.
Indian Head High School, Indian Head, SK, 1993.
Durham Shoestring Performers, Oshawa, ON, 1994.
Pinawa Players, Pinawa, MB, 1995.
Northcliffe Drama Club, Grand Falls-Windsor, NF, 1995
Wallaceburg Little Theatre, Wallaceburg, ON, 1996.
White BUffalo Theatre, New York, NY, (U.S. premiere), 1997.
Prior Players, Arnprior, ON, 1997.
Theatre Aurora, Aurora, ON, 2000.
Walterdale Theatre Associates, Edmonton, AB, 2003.
Langley Players, Langley, BC, 2006.
Black Hole Theatre, University of Manitoba, 2007.
Valley Players, Fort QuAppelle, SK, 2012.
Availability: Draft and Prompt Script from Agassiz production in MAP archives.
Published by Scirocco Drama in Maureen Hunter: Three Plays, 2003.
Complete script in A Map of the Senses, 2000.
Monologue in And Do you have anything else -- Audition Pieces from Canadian Plays, Simon & Pierre, Toronto, 1991.
Copies in the MAP library.
Running Time (mins): 76-120
Cast: 2M / 3F
Genres: Drama